Adolf Eichmann’s capture, as told by the Mossad

For the first time in its notoriously secretive history, the Mossad — Israel’s intelligence service — has opened its vaults to the public. In cooperation with an Israeli museum, the Mossad curated documents and artifacts pertaining to the capture and trial of Adolf Eichmann, one of the Nazi’s chief architects of the Holocaust.

Visitors can see actual notepads and cameras used during Israel’s mission to extract Eichmann from hiding in Argentina (a story worth a read, especially if you’re not familiar with how the Israelis captured the aging Nazi). Also, numerous artifacts from the Eichmann trial are on display — including the infamous bulletproof glass booth in which he sat during his trial.

>> Learn more:  Adolf Eichmann’s capture, as told by the Mossad, in Israel exhibition | the guardian

>> Visit the museum: Operation Finale at Beit Hatfutsot