Category Uncategorized

Lips couch for sale: the wonders of Craigslist

Seems like everyone in LA turns to Craigslist to sell or buy their used stuff locally. In my hunt for a new sofa I came across this posting for a couch shaped like lips. As if the item alone weren’t…

The Urban Etiquette Handbook

From New York Magazine comes the Urban Etiquette Handbook, their guide to the “polite way to steal a cab, silence a bigot, decline a playdate with a bratty child, untangle yourself from a one-night stand, end an e-mail loop,” etc.…

World Cup excitement

It’s here again! I so enjoy the camaraderie, the national pride, the world spectacle of World Cup. And I, like many folks, wonder why the sport as a whole hasn’t caught on more in this country. My favorite World Cup…

Blue Bell, the best ice cream in the country

Anyone who grew up in the south, especially in Texas, knows about Blue Bell ice cream. “The best ice cream in the country,” goes their jingle. It’s my favorite (especially Country Vanilla). So I was pleasantly surprised to see an…

Big redesign!

Oh yes, finally I’m getting my butt in gear! As you can see, the site looks considerably different. I’ve redesigned the look, simplified the navigation, and done a lot on the back end to make things run better. It’s also…

Create your own net radio station

Check out, where you can enter the names of artists or songs you like and the site will generate a radio stream of similar music. You can tell it whether you like the songs it chooses–to help “hone” your…

On Luck

I read a great article in Scientific American’s Skeptic column called As Luck Would Have It. Give it a read–it’s short, and I found it pleasant and uplifting. As someone who thinks of myself as risk-averse, I still agree with…