Past & Future of LA’s Rail to the Beach

In the 20th century (you know–way back in the day…) Los Angeles had the greatest urban rail system in the world. Now a city famous for its congestion and traffic is trying to regain some of the glory of old days. And in this case–perhaps even use the same rail path!

Check out this wonderful time-lapse that travels the old path of LA rail that took you from the middle of the city to Santa Monica:

It would be quite something to travel through the city to the beach by rail again! I’m looking forward to the second part of this video…

>> For a bit of history on the tracks, read more about the Santa Monica Air Line on Wikipedia.

>> Also, you can learn more about the history of the Los Angeles Railway (the urban system) too.

Thanks to LA Observed on KCRW for first pointing me to this video!

>> Link: Expo Line Video – LA Observed on KCRW