I was just watching President Obama’s Afghanistan Plan in 4 Minutes on YouTube. It’s part of The White House YouTube Channel.
You can watch the video right here:
What struck me–aside from the President’s talking points on the war–is just how few views the video has. As of this writing the video’s been up for almost four days and has 4,787 views. That’s almost 1,200 views per day. Not bad. (That’s probably 1,199 more people than read this blog.) But for YouTube standards, that’s pithy for the President of the United States!
Consider this: the Tiger Woods Voicemail Slow Jam Remix has 964,769 views in 5 days. That’s 193,000 views per day. Now I know–the Tiger Woods thing has been blowing up lately. But then again (no pun intended), so has the war in Afghanistan.
So as not to sound like a grumbling codger, I acknowledge that memes about sex, scandal, and celebrity are just the thing that people want to click on their lunch breaks at work. (You are on your lunch break, of course.) This isn’t a “what is wrong with people today” post. Rather, it makes me think: given all the talk about “Obama’s War,” what if we got a leaked voicemail from George Bush?
“Hey Barack, it’s G-Dub. I need you to do me a favor, please. Can you take your name off your war? Cheney went through the news outlets, and he may be calling you.”
Would it increase water cooler discussions about the war? Maybe. Long shot. But it would make for a great remix. Dick Cheney slow jams, anyone?