

Stylish Aggregation + Journalism + Technology

Today on All Things Considered, a conversation about the future of journalism–and a topic that really interests me: why hasn’t online aggregation caught up with the stylish design of magazines? >> Link: Mike McCue: Flipboard Brings Beauty Of Print Onto…

College Textbooks: Room for Innovation

I’m glad to see a featured discussion on the New York Times online that poses this important question: Why do new college textbooks cost so much? Certainly I remember semesters in college where my textbook bill would reach $500. It…

Obstacles facing the European Union

NPR’s Morning Edition concluded a series on the European Union this morning with a fantastic overview of the challenges facing the future of the EU: financial, political, and–most importantly–cultural. I found Rob Gifford’s piece the most digestible, concise, and on-point…

Descending the Tour de France

I’m loving the Tour de France right now. These guys are tearing up roads and mountains on bikes. Amazing. For those who doubt the intensity of the race, you’ve only to watch Fabian Cancellara descend a mountain from last year’s…

Medical Props for TV

For anyone who’s ever been fascinated by science fair projects or Hollywood prop departments (I fall into both categories), you’ll appreciate this video from the New York Times. Diann Duthie is the art director for “The Dr. Oz Show” —…