Category Pictures & Videos

Houston’s Memorial Day flood

It’s been surreal watching national news coverage of Texas’s flooding from the Memorial Day weekend. My hometown of Houston was hard-hit, especially the southwest side of the 610 Loop. Using Google and Twitter searching, I was able to find some…

Danny MacAskill: The Ridge

So awesome, so beautiful. Just watch. First, Danny MacAskill is a mad scientist on a bike. Second, the emotion of this video exceeds so much scripted content. To me, this is a perfect example of visual storytelling that takes your breath…

Chile Volcano Eruption in Slo-Mo

Real life is more beautiful and awe-inspiring than any special effect. This time lapse of Chile’s Calbuco volcano erupting is stunning. NPR’s Lourdes Garcia-Navarro reports, “Local officials say people are very, very frightened.” That’s very, very respectable. More: Video Of Volcano Erupting…

Primate at the Piano, or Music Is Trans-Species

This video of a bonobo playing the keyboard (with a bit of background music accompaniment) makes me think about just how powerful music really is. There’s something about music that resonates deep inside all of us. Thanks to Peter Gabriel’s…