Category Uncategorized

An E-Z Pass Model for Web Content

More interesting ideas from The Atlantic: An E-Z Pass Model for Web Content – Ideas Special Report This is part of more thoughts to come on the future of journalism.

Regulating food advertising

A good point made in this article from The Atlantic:  We Regulate Banks. Why Not Food? – The Atlantic Food Channel I have complained before about advertising and food, specifically “Vitamin Water.” I’ve seen the pomegranate ads referenced in the…

More good times with Joe Jamail

My friend forwarded me this article from the ABA Journal of law news. It’s about everyone’s favorite Texas trial lawyer Joe Jamail. Guaranteed laughs: Joe Jamail | ABA Journal – Law News Now

The United States of Entrepreneurs – The Economist

I’m reading a special report from The Economist on entrepreneurship. One of the articles, The United States of Entrepreneurs, discusses how America still leads the world as a setting for spawning entrepreneurship. The reasons span business spirit, management philosophy, and legal…

Podcast Bailouts

The economy’s on my mind. Not just the woes of a world economy in free fall. But I’m trying to (re)learn as much as I can about the fundamentals of economics and finance. I’m enjoying the EconTalk podcast these days. I’ve…

The Unforgettable Fire

Oh, the joys of iTunes. It used to be that I’d dig through crates of CDs to find ones I haven’t listened to in a long time. Now I can just scroll. The point is this: I am loving U2’s…

Antibiotic-Resistant Meningitis

While reading through a bunch of materials on antibiotic resistance, I came across this recent article on antibiotic-resistant bacterial meningitis:  Antibiotic-Resistant Meningitis Reported in U.S. – US News and World Report Worth a quick read.

Got to Love Fox News Headlines

From the front page of Can’t you just smell the “fair and balanced”? The article to which the headline links is here. Happy March!