Category Uncategorized

Washington Post: Counter-Terror War Plans

War Plans Drafted To Counter Terror Attacks in U.S.: articles like this one are eerie, if anything. It’s basically terrorism war games–while practice is necessary to know what to do in the real thing, these kind of things are never…

How cool is the space shuttle?

Something about watching pictures of the shuttle in space is just awe inspiring. How cool would it be to go into space? Perhaps space launches have become “ordinary” in my lifetime?– I’m still intrigued, as always.

BBC NEWS: Ancient phallus unearthed in cave

Thanks to Steven for sending me this link. I haven’t posted since last week, so I figure this is worthy of note. There are a million puns or jokes I could use here, but I’ll just post the link and…

Ah, the joys of being a Clemens

So this is what happens when your last name is Clemens. Roger’s son just got picked up by the Astros. If he can play as well in the major leagues as he did in high school, perhaps Rocket Junior can…


I recently finished reading the bestseller Blink for my book club (yes, book club–it’s cool). Though it was not my pick, it’s a book I’d been meaning to read for a while, so I was eager to dive in. I’ve…

A gabby, but sharp, critique of Entourage

I don’t watch much television. In fact, aside from baseball and Frontline, I watch almost none. But I have been known to laugh with HBO’s Entourage every now and then. I read an article in the New York Times today…

The pressures of having, and updating, a website

It’s been forever (figuratively, of course) since I last updated my website before the revamp of late. I’m excited that the site is back up and I’m finally putting my domain name to use! Funny enough, it’s actually kind of…

iPods and the future of radio?

Interestingly enough, Apple’s mark on the digital audio world may have less to do with songs and more to do with radio. A format that many thought was dying is getting a digital makeover by the iPod and Apple’s commitment…

Are we there yet?

Finally, seems to be back online. Is it for real? Will Salvo keep it in shape? Wait and see! I am soooo happy to have finally put something up. It’s really rough right now, but it’s better than the…