Tag technology


A quick read that makes you think about how you interact online, offline, and everywhere. What worries me are the consequences of a diet comprised mostly of fake-connectedness, makebelieve insight, and unedited first drafts of everything. Read more >> Better…

Talk about a “Power Dinner”…

President Obama dines with Silicon Valley leaders including Apple CEO Steve Jobs, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, Oracle chief Larry Ellison, and a bunch of others.

Google Global Science Fair 2011

I just learned that Google is hosting a world-wide science fair this year. Thought about entering, but you have to be under 18 to submit. Looks cool though! And makes me wonder…how many things can Google do?! >> Link: Google…

SimCity Baghdad

From The Atlantic‘s January/February 2010 edition, a piece about work at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies. They are developing interactive simulations to train Army personnel about better ways to interact in urban combat environments. A pleasant surprise as I…