Designing an open model of higher education without a university

How would you design a "future university?" My design is both an attempt to propose a radically new model for higher education while at the same time offering a theory for how to consider the problem. Grab your passport.

How might we design a radically different kind of “future university”?

That was the challenge for a final project in a seminar class on the future of higher education led by Bryan Alexander in the Learning, Design, and Technology Masters program at Georgetown University.

I tried to take a giant step back when framing my proposal. I needed to consider the functions of a university in terms of the classes and services it provides to students but also in terms of its function within society and the economy. My design is both a serious attempt to propose a radically new model for higher education while at the same time offering a theory for how to consider the problem.

I welcome feedback on the model I proposed.

Illustration by ChatGPT/DALL-E

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