The Avocado Cuber

File this in both “Product Design” and “Why Didn’t I Think Of That?” >> Link: Avocado Cuber (and Avocado Pit Removal Tool and Avo Saver and Avocado Knife) | Unclutterer
File this in both “Product Design” and “Why Didn’t I Think Of That?” >> Link: Avocado Cuber (and Avocado Pit Removal Tool and Avo Saver and Avocado Knife) | Unclutterer
For the athletically minded, presents a nice primer on the fundamentals of nutrition for proper energy during workouts. Sometimes we forget that proper nutrition isn’t just for serious professional athletes. Worth a read if you hit the gym, the…
Folks familiar with The Hump restaurant at the Santa Monica Airport know that it’s famous for serving all kinds of exotic meats — insects, amphibians, reptiles, and more. But now they’re getting busted for a rare kind of mammal they…
A good point made in this article from The Atlantic: We Regulate Banks. Why Not Food? – The Atlantic Food Channel I have complained before about advertising and food, specifically “Vitamin Water.” I’ve seen the pomegranate ads referenced in the…