A Vintage L.A. Crime Novel in Real Life

Headlines from today’s L.A. Times include the story of mummified remains of two babies found in a trunk in the basement of an apartment complex in mid-city. Grim–yet also fascinating, considering the remains are perhaps 80 years old. They were found along with newspapers from the 1930s and a ticket to the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

This seems like exactly the kind of crime that gets unearthed in noir novels and thriller movies–the very kind of stories that were fantastically popular around the time of the infants’ deaths. (Think Raymond Chandler or Patricia Highsmith novels.)

It would surprise me if every agent in Hollywood hasn’t been trying to acquire the film rights to this story…and we don’t even know how it ends yet.

>> Link: Mysterious woman is at center of probe into dead babies found in L.A. basement | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times.