Tag astronomy

What does the Equinox look like from space?

The Vernal Equinox. It’s not the longest day of the year. It’s not the shortest. It’s the…well…what is it? Check out this visual representation using satellite data: Then read a further explanation from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day Blog: >> APOD:…

Explore the Solar System and Night Sky in 3D

SolarSystemScope presents a very cool online interface for zooming around the solar system in a beautiful 3D model. The whole experience happens right in your web browser. Check it out! > Link: Solar System Scope | Interactive 3D model of Solar…

A Planet That Resembles Our Own

Astronomers report that they’ve found a rocky planet with an atmosphere that could support life — and it’s orbiting a star only  20 light years from our Sun. (Apologies to any extra-terrestrial readers for my heliocentric slant.) >> Link: Astronomers…

Scientists shed light on supernova origins – LA Times

Type Ia Supernovae are a not just pretty in photographs. They play an important function in astronomy as a standard candle — a celestial object with known luminosity. By measuring visible brightness, astronomers can calculate a supernova’s distance. In the…

The James Webb Space Telescope

I was just watching a TV special on the Hubble Space Telescope, which has proved immensely useful to scientific research. Then started reading more about the next generation, the James Webb Space Telescope. Seems really cool. Fun if you’re into physics,…