Tag college

‘Academically Adrift’

From Inside Higher Ed, a review of a new book about the failings of contemporary higher education, “Academically Adrift.” “How much are students actually learning in contemporary higher education? The answer for many undergraduates, we have concluded, is not much,”…

On the cost of college

Though I do not agree with David Frum on many points, I believe his recent Marketplace commentary hits at an idea I have held for a while: that we as a society need to seriously reconsider the cost and value…

Slate.com: Are high schoolers lazy or stupid?

Take a look at this article entitled “They’re Not Stupid—They’re Lazy: The real reason American high-schoolers have such dismal test scores.” It continues to highlight the problems of incentive-driven testing. “When states begin imposing penalties for failure, it makes a…