Time flies, but what is it anyway?

As the end of 2014 approaches, so many of us wonder where the year behind went. Time, as they say, flies by. But ever stop to wonder, “what is time?” Is it a physical dimension like distance? How is this “4th”…
As the end of 2014 approaches, so many of us wonder where the year behind went. Time, as they say, flies by. But ever stop to wonder, “what is time?” Is it a physical dimension like distance? How is this “4th”…
NPR presents a report on a study that showed that most people underestimate the degree to which their personalities and values will change in the future. >> Read and listen: You Can’t See It, But You’ll Be A Different Person In…
I love it when simple objects turn into something amazing. Check out this video of basic wall clocks orchestrated to act together. >> Read more: Watch 24 Analog Clocks Morph Into One Giant Digital Display | Co.Design: business + innovation +…