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Creation Museum (NY Times)

An article in today’s New York Times is worth a peek: “At the $27 million Creation Museum evolution gets its continual comeuppance, while biblical revelations are treated as gospel,” the paper says. Read it to find out about this strange…

Cockroaches for Cash: Science Exhibit, Texas Style!

Couldn’t resist the headline. I remember seeing a cockroach race at the Houston Museum of Natural Science when I was a little kid. I like how Houstonians find creative ways to deal with the city’s infamous little residents. (Actually, some…

A puzzler

Replace each letter below with a digit to make the math correct: Contact me when you figure it out! (Puzzler courtesy of The Mensa Puzzle Calendar)

Glad I’m not this guy

The headline from MSNBC caught my eye: Kevin Federline is a legend in his own mind. That was enough to intrigue me. I clicked over and read the photo caption for the pic at right: “Kevin Federline, the most underrated…

Farewell, Pluto

Like many others, I read today that astronomers decided Pluto is not a planet. It’s not that it is no longer is a planet, but that under new definitions it never would have been. Truthfully, I don’t care too much–it’s…

No more strippers at funerals

According to an article from the BBC News, a Chinese province is cracking down on a custom of hiring strippers for funerals in order to increase attendance. Now it’s illegal, and you can be arrested for “funeral misdeeds.” Can you…

Neruda: “Cuánto vive el hombre”

Cleaning up files on my computer… I have this poem by Pablo Neruda saved in a sticky note. Thought I’d post it here. For those of you who can understand the Spanish, I hope you enjoy. I think it’s very…

Woman calls 911 to meet cute cop

From the Associated Press: “A woman who called 911 to get ‘the cutest cop I’ve seen’ sent back to her home got a date all right — a court date.” Found this while reading the Houston Chronicle online. What is…

End of the World Cup

Say what you will about this year’s World Cup. There were many good games, memorable teams, and (of course) unforgettable moments. Maybe the US can get a truly competitive team together for 2010? Maybe this is the beginning of the…