Cheryl’s Birthday Problem

My thoughts on a logic brain teaser that's been racking the internet. When is Cheryl's birthday?
My thoughts on a logic brain teaser that's been racking the internet. When is Cheryl's birthday?
Adding this awesome-looking Hubble Space Telescope book to my wish list! Now if I only had a coffee table… Check it out: Expanding Universe. Photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope. TASCHEN Books
Answer: $33/hour, at least And a home? According to a new report from KPCC: The median home price in Los Angeles is $570,500, according to the real estate website, But consider that the median income in Los Angeles is about…
As the end of 2014 approaches, so many of us wonder where the year behind went. Time, as they say, flies by. But ever stop to wonder, “what is time?” Is it a physical dimension like distance? How is this “4th”…
Can some simple rounding help us be more accurate and confident with mental math? The man behind this symbol proposes just that: And it turns out it’s fairly accurate: Basically, using some simplification of numbers we can do mental multiplication…
We shouldn't so flippantly declare ourselves unfit to tackle math and logic problems.
Laws of averages play out in unsuspecting ways, including attraction. >> Cheerleader Effect: Why People Are More Beautiful in Groups | The Atlantic
What management principle do airplane cockpits and operating rooms share? When it comes to managing risk from human error, specifically fixation or lack of awareness of a problem, both environments demand the “Two Challenge Rule.” >> Cockpit culture and using the…
Check out this awesome map of North America and the meanings behind our various geographical landmarks. >> Infographic: The Literal Meaning Of Every State Name In The U.S. | Co.Design
Don’t understand the acronyms? This has to do with federal research of mental health. It raises questions about the ways mental disorders are diagnosed. But moreover, it challenges they way medical professionals think about mental disorders. Unlike our definitions of…