Category Media

What does the Equinox look like from space?

The Vernal Equinox. It’s not the longest day of the year. It’s not the shortest. It’s the…well…what is it? Check out this visual representation using satellite data: Then read a further explanation from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day Blog: >> APOD:…

Primate at the Piano, or Music Is Trans-Species

This video of a bonobo playing the keyboard (with a bit of background music accompaniment) makes me think about just how powerful music really is. There’s something about music that resonates deep inside all of us. Thanks to Peter Gabriel’s…

Who will you be 10 years from now?

NPR presents a report on a study that showed that most people underestimate the degree to which their personalities and values will change in the future. >> Read and listen: You Can’t See It, But You’ll Be A Different Person In…

The World We Explore by Sir Ken Robinson

More food for thought from Sir Ken Robinson, perhaps the greatest public intellect focusing on the future of education. “It’s not how creative you are, it’s how you’re creative” >> Watch: The World We Explore- Sir Ken Robinson Zeitgeist Americas 2012…