Busyness is Not a Virtue
“How are you?” “Oh, you know, crazy busy.” If you find yourself responding like that, or if you find yourself dealing with lots of people who respond like that, then this blog post is a great read. >> Busyness is Not…
“How are you?” “Oh, you know, crazy busy.” If you find yourself responding like that, or if you find yourself dealing with lots of people who respond like that, then this blog post is a great read. >> Busyness is Not…
File this in both “Product Design” and “Why Didn’t I Think Of That?” >> Link: Avocado Cuber (and Avocado Pit Removal Tool and Avo Saver and Avocado Knife) | Unclutterer
Throughout our lives we face critique — feedback from others about our work and behavior. How do we tell what feedback to take to heart, and what to disregard? Recently The 99 Percent featured an article about Criticism vs. Cynicism,…
For the first time in its notoriously secretive history, the Mossad — Israel’s intelligence service — has opened its vaults to the public. In cooperation with an Israeli museum, the Mossad curated documents and artifacts pertaining to the capture and…
Fouad Ajami wrote the opinion piece below for the Wall Street Journal back in June. It’s still timely a couple months later as Palestine seeks a declaration of statehood from the United Nations this week. While it’s high time that…
I’ve said before that the real difference between a lot of elite athletes–especially cyclists–is not in the muscles but in the mind. On a killer mountain, or a fast stretch, it’s your mind that often wants to back down first.…
The 99 Percent presents an overview of Haruki Murakami’s memoirs, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. >> Link: Haruki Murakami: Talent Is Nothing Without Focus and Endurance :: Articles :: The 99 Percent
This is a brilliant information design project, and an astounding reminder of the scale of money we talk about in public finance. >> Link: US debt problem visualized: Debt stacked in 100 dollar bills.
Got this flyer in the mail yesterday. Maybe the Dodgers should try opening their own checking account? Sure seems they could use the money.
April is Distracted Driving Month. The Economist reports on the effects of cell phones on driving ability: The human brain has to work harder to process language and communication with somebody who is not physically present. … Such distractions, according…