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Oil Reaches Louisiana Shores

This oil spill is really a fiasco. A costly, messy, and sad fiasco. Link: Oil reaches Louisiana shores [Boston Globe]

Volcanic Ash + Jet Engines

As the eruption of Iceland’s volcano Eyjafjallajokull (a nightmare for both airlines and non-Icelandic newscasters) has shut down all of northern Europe’s air travel, the New Scientist presents a nice primer on why and how volcanic ash threatens aircraft: Volcanic…

Human behavior is 93 percent predictable

As my alarm clock radio went off at its predictable hour this morning, I heard about this study of human behavior on NPR: Link: Human behavior is 93 percent predictable, research shows [Northeastern University News] You can listen to the…

Scientists shed light on supernova origins – LA Times

Type Ia Supernovae are a not just pretty in photographs. They play an important function in astronomy as a standard candle — a celestial object with known luminosity. By measuring visible brightness, astronomers can calculate a supernova’s distance. In the…