Category Uncategorized

China sets the table for Olympic visitors

As the Olympics approach, China ensures that the names of traditional dishes are ready for international visitors. Check out the article on Yahoo news.  

On the cost of college

Though I do not agree with David Frum on many points, I believe his recent Marketplace commentary hits at an idea I have held for a while: that we as a society need to seriously reconsider the cost and value…

The Photo Stream

Scott has been working on a new site, and it’s really cool. The Photo Stream features all sorts of online content at-a-glance. Some very cool stuff is in the works, so I’d keep my eyes peeled for this site. Check it…

Vitamin “Water” is bull

“Vitamin” Water, “Antioxidant” Water, “Life” Water… what is all this crap that I’m seeing advertised everywhere? First of all, most people are NOT vitamin deficient. (For that matter, most people being sold this stuff are saturated with all kinds of…

Wirezine goes live!

Scott and I have been working on our new online magazine, Wirezine, which launches today. You can learn more about the project and read its content on the Wirezine site. Enjoy! Salvo

I can’t watch this without cringing

This is truly a sad thing to watch. I can’t get through it without cringing, as if I were watching my kid bomb in the school play: Think Progress » Bush: Don’t Ask Me About The Economy, I Got A…

The way the world is heading–>cities & poverty

This is an amazing one I read on the New York Times: Half the World Soon to Be in Cities That’s an incredible statistic. To think that cities are such a recent development in the scope of human history. Also…

Here comes Facebook

This is exciting: Facebook Launches Facebook Platform; They are the Anti-MySpaceLet’s see how deep this one goes.