Category Uncategorized

Life as We *Don’t* Know It

Scientists announced today that “life” as we know it may not be…well, as we knew it. A microbe was discovered that uses arsenic to replicate and grow (no phosphorous in its DNA)–changing the notions of what the fundamental building blocks…

Antimatter of Fact…

Exciting news today as scientists announce the successful entrapment of antimatter. According to Nature: [A] research collaboration at CERN, Europe’s particle-physics lab near Geneva, Switzerland, has managed, 38 times, to confine single antihydrogen atoms in a magnetic trap for more…

How do cycling teams work?

Since it’s been too long since my last post, here’s a quick primer on team cycling for all you curious folks out there! >> Link: How do cycling teams work? | Slate Magazine

RIP Mandelbrot, Father of Fractals

“Mandelbrot set” may sound like complicated math. But many of us already recognize these sets as “fractals” — a term that Dr. Mandelbrot coined. I remember reading about the Mandelbrot set in college. I didn’t realize at the time that…

A Planet That Resembles Our Own

Astronomers report that they’ve found a rocky planet with an atmosphere that could support life — and it’s orbiting a star only  20 light years from our Sun. (Apologies to any extra-terrestrial readers for my heliocentric slant.) >> Link: Astronomers…

Brutal LA Heat

I grew up with heat and humidity in Houston, so most days I don’t complain. But today’s heat across Los Angeles and southern California is extreme. It’s 115 degrees Fahrenheit in downtown LA! Check out this map for more: Check…