The Benefits of Choosing Your Working Hours
In a report from the BBC today: People who can choose their own working hours enjoy better physical and mental health, a report has suggested. Link: Flexible working ‘good for heart and soul’ [BBC News]
In a report from the BBC today: People who can choose their own working hours enjoy better physical and mental health, a report has suggested. Link: Flexible working ‘good for heart and soul’ [BBC News]
From The Atlantic‘s January/February 2010 edition, a piece about work at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies. They are developing interactive simulations to train Army personnel about better ways to interact in urban combat environments. A pleasant surprise as I…
A beautiful long holiday weekend in LA: vs.
More on grad school in the humanities from The Chronicle of Higher Ed: “The Big Lie About the ‘Life of the Mind’”:
This is just brilliant: Evolutionists Flock To Darwin-Shaped Wall Stain Saw this today for the first time. It was published a few years back. The Onion really hits the nail on the head.
From everything I read online and hear on the radio, supplies of food, water, and basic shelter are in dire need for rescue operations in Haiti. With the extreme interconnectedness of communications online today, I feel that there’s a duty…
Uh-oh. According to the LA Times, “Australian researchers find that each hour a day spent in front of television is linked with an 18% greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and an 11% greater risk of all causes of…
For the past few weeks, the news has been filled with stories about airport security. Here in the US, we’re accustomed to metal detectors and x-ray machines by now. Now full body scanners may be next. As scanning measures go…
After doing a lot of research about TV shows and their content lately, I have new-found respect for some shows. “Modern Family,” for example, is great. You can watch all episodes on Hulu. But some shows are…well…reaching. Take “Smallville,” for…
I was just watching President Obama’s Afghanistan Plan in 4 Minutes on YouTube. It’s part of The White House YouTube Channel. You can watch the video right here: What struck me–aside from the President’s talking points on the war–is just…